Sunday, June 24, 2012


Isabella came over Thursday to spend the weekend with us.It was very nice to see her sweet,smiling face.We had a great night,and a better one Friday.I had hopes that she could stay last night,but no,mama came over to pick her up as her and her parents were fighting.So what else is new.
I bought her a new pair of shoes so she can start walking,and she actually took two steps for me.And she learned a new word...grandma.This makes me happy.What made me more elated was when my daughter,Nikki,Isabella's mama brought her over Thursday.She darned near flew out of mama's arms,into mine...all with a huge smile on her face.
I wish that they baby would move back home...her real home.
I love you Isabella Ann.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just another day without the girls.

Here is another lonely day when I am not able to see Isabella,or speak to Maddie on the phone.These are my granddaughters and I love them very much.I did get to see Maddie yesterday when I took Amanda over to where Nikki lives.Isabella jumped out of mama's arms to see me.This baby is my life and right now and my life is sad.
Nikki and Isabella need to come back this has been Isabella's home before she was born.I miss my girls.

Monday, June 18, 2012


A lot has been going on since my last blog post regarding Maddie and Isabella.So far,Maddie's mom has been living down in Florida with me for over a week now.I used to be able to talk to my beautiful six year old granddaughter on the phone,but that has all changed due to daughter M who had to stick her nose in Amanda's business.So now grandma C wont let me talk with her on the phone. another touchy subject.She is a beautiful 16 month old baby.My heart and soul.She has been the love of my life she she was 5 minutes old.We have never been apart...ever.My daughter Nikki wont let me see her anymore.I am completely shocked over this.I know deep in my heart Isabella isn't being cared for like she should be.There are too many people coming in and out of their home.I just hope there isn't anything illegal in the house that could cause Isabella being taken from Nikki.I want Isabella to live at her home,the home she came home to from being born at Winnie Palmer Hospital.This has been THE only home she has ever known.Nobody is allowed to see her anymore.I do hop Nikki comes to her senses and comes home permanently.I miss the old happy,smiley Nikki.I miss Isabella and Maddie very much.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I am very hurt.

Okay so Amanda my oldest daughter has been here in Florida for 2 days now.She lives at the house with my husband Ed and I,and my in laws.We live 10 minutes away from middle daughter Nikki,granddaughter Isabella and Isabella's father.Things for Amanda are going to be so much better for her than they were up in Michigan.
I am worried about Maddie,my six year old granddaughter.Before Amanda left,there were many arguements at the house...hers.Daughter"M" had to stick her nose in it.Okay now I did not,nor did Nikki call Amanda's house and tell her to leave her daughter and move to Florida.No that did not happen like this.I received a call from "C" who started it.Nikki and I tried for two days straight to talk Amanda out of doing something regrettable.But Amanda's mind was made up.There was no talking her out of moving.
I did find out that C has full custody of sweet Maddie.She,Maddie will always have my heart.I will miss her.She left me a sparkly lip gloss.One day I hope she will let me see Maddie,and I hope the adults come to their sense.
I love you Maddie.Love a heartbroken grandma.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I am very heartbroken.

I am very heartbroken.Things have happened unexpectedly that I NEVER thought would ever happen.Everything went wrong June 1.I got a phone call from Maddie's great-grandma.Somethings at her house was going on between Maddie's mama,Amanda(my oldest daughter) and her grandma(Maddie's great-grandma).My daughter Amanda and Maddie live with my ex-husband's mother.
Maddie's mom,as I found out no longer has custody of my granddaughter,and my heart is severely torn apart.Her great-grandma has custody of her and I found out that Maddie's mom signed over her rights as a parent because she no longer can care for Maddie like she is supposed to be cared for.
Like I said..things happened and I and my middle daughter,Nikki were caught in the crossfire.So Amanda has no rights to my six year old granddaughter anymore and she is on a flight tomorrow morning from Michigan to Orlando.I have been extremely sick to my stomach because Amanda up and left this beautiful six year old girl that I have never met,but love so very much.
Nikki and I tried for two days to get Amanda to think about staying with Maddie and grandma to work things out.What is ever sadder is my whole family has turned their backs on her.So we will take her in.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I miss the girls.

Today it has been raining nonstop.I miss the girls very much.Maddie is in school and Isabella is at home with mama.Isabella is supposed to come visit today.***sigh***I love you girls.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My two sweethearts.

You know being a grandmother is an awesome job.The girls are great girls.Maddie is a smart little girl.She reminds me of her mom,my daughter Amanda.There is nothing nicer to hear,"I love you grandma" when she talks to me on the phone. I would do anything for her.It is so hard to see her when there is a 1200 mile difference in where we both live.Her and her mom live in Michigan,and I live in Florida.I talk to Maddie and her mom almost everyday.I ask Maddie when she is coming to Florida to visit me.I recently was sent a picture message that my daughter Amanda took of Maddie.It was so sweet.She,Maddie was all dressed up and ready to come to Florida.I told her and her mom they can come visit me anytime.
Maddie is my heart and soul.I would do anything in my power to do everything for this sweet child.
I spoke to Nicole,my middle daughter,and the mother of Isabella,who is 15 months old.I don't know why Nicole has problems with Isabella.When Beaners,my nickname for Isabella is at the house with me,no problems.She eats well,drinks out of a sippy cup and she has been shown how we brush our teeth.She has ten teeth.Isabella will be 16 months old June 6.Since she eats well,she has to brush her teeth.She tries when her,grandpa and I are in the bathroom brushing our teeth right along with her.She even has her own toothbrush and paste.Life with Isabella is fun.She hasn't quite figured out walking yet,but she tries.Right now she is learning to talk.I have taught her "dog",and "shh","uh oh" and of course she knows what "no"means.
I love her to pieces.I do know that I love these two sweet girls very much.I did not know if at first I could handle being a grandma,but I enjoy every minute of being a grandparent.I will be 50 in July....yuck.So I guess being the grandma of two sweet girls is not a big deal.Being 50 is.
I love Maddie and Isabella very much.Love you girls~~~~
Love grandma